See How To Effects Network On Birds...

Hello, Friends Welcome to Fit and Health Blog. The topic of today is for those birds who are dying daily. Yes, this topic is very important for all of us that we can take some stern steps on this to prevent birds from dying. Talking to people on mobile every 1 second and staying in the electronics media is a threat to birds.

Despite having so many networks in India, we can not talk to people properly. Sometimes the number is not reachable, and sometimes the voice is not clear. In other countries, there are 2 or 3 networks, but there are so many networks in India which have no benefit. I just want to tell this post through this that please take care of the health of birds and prevent them from dying. If this happens, then one day it will come that birds will not be seen in the sky.

One potential contributor to the worldwide decline of bird populations is the increasing prevalence of roads, which have several negative effects on birds and other vertebrates. We synthesized the results of studies and reviews that explore the effects of roads on birds with an emphasis on paved roads. The well-known direct effects of roads on birds include habitat loss and fragmentation, vehicle-caused mortality, pollution, and poisoning. Nevertheless, indirect effects may exert a greater influence on bird populations. These effects include noise, artificial light, barriers to movement, and edges associated with roads. Moreover, indirect and direct effects may act synergistically to cause decreases in population density and species richness. Of the many effects of roads, it appears that road mortality and traffic noise may have the most substantial effects on birds relative to other effects and taxonomic groups. Potential measures for mitigating the detrimental effects of roads include noise-reduction strategies and changes to roadway lighting and vegetation and traffic flow. Road networks and traffic volumes are projected to increase in many countries around the world. Increasing habitat loss and fragmentation and predicted species distribution shifts due to climate change are likely to compound the overall effects of roads on birds.

Birds and other wildlife are disappearing from areas that are saturated with 4G “non-ionizing” radiation. The horrific manmade frequencies emanating from our devices are literally killing innocent living creatures or causing them to flee en masse.  No life form will be able to withstand 5G for any amount of time. Its presence in our world is a genocidal, murderous attack against Creation. If mankind does not rise up against the evil forces behind this, there is no hope for our future or for our children.

All mobile phone towers emit microwave radiation, which is radio frequency radiation (RFR), part of the spectrum of electromagnetic waves. Long-term exposure to low-level RFR has damaging effects on the nervous system and the immune system of small insects and birds. Electromagnetic fields as the prerequisite hazard to insects and birds life: Electromagnetic radiation could produce the following effects: • Effects on reproduction. • Effects on the circulatory and central nervous system. • Effects on the bird’s health and well-being (microwave syndrome). • Indirect effects due to food shortage caused by electromagnetic contamination (death of insects).

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