You know Black Chana Benefits For Health ?

Kala chana is the best way to a healthy weight. They have balanced your body and increase your weight very fast.

Kala chana is dark brown and smaller in size than the yellow chickpeas. One-half cup of dried Kala, which yields about 1 cup cooked, has 360 calories, 5 grams of fat, 60 grams of carbs, 17 grams of fiber and 19 grams of protein.

While these beans are high in protein, more than 60 percent of the calories come from carbs. As a source of energy for your body and brain, most of your calories -- 45 to 65 percent -- should come from carbs, according to the USDA. Although not a complete source of protein, the amino acids in the beans contribute to making hormones, muscle, and enzymes. Adults need 46 to 56 grams of protein a day, and half a cup of dried Kala chana meets more than 30 percent of these needs.

Vitamins and Minerals in Kala Chana

Beans like Kala chana are considered both protein and vegetable because they are a rich source of vitamins and minerals present in both food groups. These savory beans are rich in calcium and iron and can help you get more vitamin C in your diet. A half-cup serving of the uncooked bean meets 40 percent of the daily value for iron, 11 percent of the daily value for calcium and 7 percent of the daily value for vitamin C.

Certain groups of people, mainly children, and women have a hard time getting enough iron and calcium in their diet, according to the Office of Dietary Supplements. Iron is essential for delivering oxygen to all the tissues in your body, and calcium is necessary for bone health. The vitamin C in the bean improves the bioavailability of iron, which means it helps you absorb more.

Lowers Cholesterol:

The soluble fiber in black chickpeas binds the bile acids and prevents them from being absorbed by the body, thus reducing cholesterol levels. Daily consumption of around ¾ cup of chickpeas helps to decrease LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol triglycerides.

Great Source of Iron:

Being a rich source of iron, black chickpeas can prevent anemia and boost your energy levels. This is particularly beneficial for pregnant or lactating women as well as growing children. Iron plays an important role in the formation of hemoglobin by transporting oxygen from the lungs to all body cells and is an important component of enzyme systems for energy production and metabolism.

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